Unfortunately I've found some mathematical inaccuracies on this hoodie
My name is Jeff Suliga, and I am a recent alumnus of Virginia Tech double majoring in Computer Science and Applied Discrete Mathematics. My educational passions include solving everyday problems with coding solutions, and learning about pure maths and the story told by them. Otherwise I enjoy rock climbing, listening to music, and pursuing Jesus.
Order from Chaos: The Chaos Game
In Progress
Math: Invented or Discovered?
May 17, 2023
Suliga Formulae
August 3, 2022
Factoring: A Visual Approach
July 17, 2022
1111x1111 = 1234321: Palindromic Multiplication
July 1, 2022
Star Theorem: Acute Triangles in the Sky
June 21, 2022
Complex Rotations: Multiplying complex numbers visually
June 17, 2022
Note: All resources are fair game! Google away!